Answers to your frequently asked questions
Routific might not be a good fit for your business if...To save you some time, here are a few use cases we know that Routific doesn’t do well quite yet.
Is Routific available in my country?Routific can be used anywhere in the world that's mapped online, but the quality of map data can vary.
How can Routific help me?Want to make your delivery business more efficient? You've come to the right place.
How Routific's Pricing and Billing WorksHow Routific's per-vehicle pricing works, how many vehicles to subscribe, and how you'll be billed.
Routific’s Plan for GDPR ComplianceWhat Routific is doing to comply with the new European Union data privacy and protection law.
I outsource my deliveries. Can I still use Routific?If you're a business that outsources routing and dispatching to a third party, Routific may not be the best solution for you.
What makes Routific an expert in logistics?We think about routing all the time, so you don't have to.
How do I get started?Try Routific with a free 7-day trial. No credit card required.
Where can I find my invoices?