The Best Format for Addresses
Street Address, City, Province/State (when applicable), Country
eg. 350 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10118, United States
Routific's mapping is powered by Google Maps, which uses the above address format. Following this format ensures Google Maps doesn't confuse it with another address.
If there's a unit/suite/apartment number, we recommend putting that in the notes, or in a custom field, to ensure the number doesn't confuse Google Maps.
Routific alerts you when:
We cannot find an address (the address is invalid)
We find multiple addresses for one stop
1. When an Address is Invalid
When we cannot find an address, Routific considers this an invalid stop and this pop-up will appear.
1) Click "Ok" to close the popup. Then, click the "Invalid Address" link on the stop.
2) Correct the invalid address. Our mapping is done by Google Maps, so type the address you're looking for in the search box as you would in Google Maps, and select the correct one from the dropdown menu. Click 'Update Address' when you're done.
2. When Multiple Addresses are Found
Sometimes, we find multiple addresses for an address you've entered. When this is the case, Routific will put a green question mark beside the stop.
1) You can click on the address to choose the correct location right away. OR, click on green question mark to quickly check where on the map the address has been plotted.
2) In the map view, click on the address under the stop name to choose the correct location.
3) Select the correct address from the list. If none of those are correct, you can look for the correct address using the search bar. Our mapping is done by Google Maps, so type the address you're looking for in the search box as you would in Google Maps, and select the correct one from the dropdown menu. Click 'Update Address' when you're done.
Related Articles:
Custom Fields
How to Add Stops