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Save Customers in Routific

Store your customer details and delivery information in Routific with Customer Profiles.

Suzanne Ma avatar
Written by Suzanne Ma
Updated over a week ago

What are Customer Profiles?

Customer Profiles is a feature that allows you to save a list of your customers and their delivery information inside Routific. Storage is unlimited! Customer Profiles is most commonly used to save recurring customers in Routific for easier uploads, or to store a master list of customers. This allows you to add customers into new routes directly from a customer list stored in Routific.

How to Add Customer Profiles to a Route

There are two ways you can do this. If you have a route project already and you're trying to add customers to it, you can add Customer Profiles into the existing route (see option A). If you haven't yet gotten to creating a new route project, then you can create a new route project from inside the Customer Profiles (see option B).

A) Add Customer Profiles to an Existing Route

At the top of the page, click the blue "+" sign to the right of "Stops".

Alternatively, if you're inside the "Stops" tab, click the blue "+", and then click "Add from Customer Profiles".

Check the boxes next to the customers you want to add. Don't forget you can also use the search box to find them on the list.

Click "Add Customers" in the bottom right corner to add them into the route.

B) Create a New Route from Customer Profiles

Open the Customer Profiles tab in Routific's Dispatcher View. 

Check the boxes next to the customers you want to add. Don't forget you can also use the search box to find them on the list.

Click "Start New Project" in the top right to create a new route with the customers you've selected.

How to Create New Customer Profiles

To create 1 new customer profile, click "Add Customer" in the top right corner of the window and fill out the form.

To add multiple customers, and click "Upload Multiple Customers" in the top right corner and upload a spreadsheet.

How to Edit Customers' Profiles

Click the customer profile you want to edit to open the details. Enter the updated information and click the blue "Save" button on the bottom-right to save the changes. When you add this customer's profile to a route after this change, the new information will be added. This does not change this customer's details in routes where they've already been added.

Need to edit a lot of customer profiles at once? If you have the updated customer details in a spreadsheet, you could delete the customers' profiles in Routific, and re-upload the customers with their new details.

How to Delete Customer Profiles

To delete a single customer, open their profile and click "Delete Customer" in the bottom left.

To delete multiple customers, check the boxes beside their name, and click "Delete Selected Customers" in the top right corner.

How to Search for Customer Profiles

Use the search box at the top of the page. At least 3 characters are required to perform a search.

To choose which columns (customer properties) to show or hide, click on the funnel icon in the top right.

How to Fix Customer Profiles with Invalid Information

Check ‘Show invalid customers’ next to the search box at the top of the screen. Click into each customer profile and correct the invalid information.

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